Tuesday, September 25, 2012

i think i'm going to be sick tomorrow.

I have realized a lot of things lately.

1. Being on your own is okay. You don't need someone by your side all the time; you may learn more than you would with someone leading you every step of the way.

2. Trying to be everyone's best friend will never work. Sometimes, you just want to punch people in the face. Exercising restraint is a smart idea.

3. Moving on with your life helps you grow. Trying to stay in contact with everyone you've known since 7th grade is impossible. It may cause you to feel out of the loop, but you have to stop and think if it's a loop you want to be in. If it's not, let it go.

4. Be yourself. Trying to remember who you are for which people is exhausting. Holding fast to standards, quirks, beliefs and things you love will help weed out unwanted people and negativity in your life. Don't apologize for being you.

5. Eight out of Nine times, the boy you're getting an ulcer over isn't getting an ulcer over you. RELAX.

6. Your friends who are currently out of your life for, oh, let's say two years will come back. You won't be the same, but you can build friendships that will be even better.

7. Crying is okay.

8. Everything happens for a reason. So cliche, but so true.

9. Reading books lets you escape from your life and delve into someone else's, even if it's for 15 minutes.

10. Being smart isn't something to hide. Let people know you mean business.

11. Pretty is a relative term. If you think you're pretty, other people will too.

12. Believe in santa. Believe in unicorns. Believe in magic. Believe in fairytales.

13. In contrast, don't be thick. Keep your head on straight, and don't let yourself get carried too far away.

14. DO WHAT YOU LOVE. Going to work and hating what you do isn't worth it. So what if you don't make money? You'll be happy. (i know it's not that simple, but go with it.)

15. Let people live their own lives. Trying to fix other peoples' problems will only create more for you. Give advice when it's asked for, but don't get too invested.

16. Be happy to be you.

17. Finally, push yourself. Do things that exercise your mind and make you grow in every aspect of your life. Being idle will cause laziness, which will cause fatigue, which will make you stop growing. Grow people, GROW.

You're cheating yourself if you don't.

1 comment:

  1. In number 3 I totally agree, but just not with your best friend since you were 5, got it?! LOVE YOU!
